read up on the forum rules a bit before you post, can i has build plz kthnx, as they usually lock threads like this.
but you can always wiki "feathers" and find out they're dropped by most birds, weird, birds drop feathers...
but they can be farmed with any profession, most popular spots would be
600'ing nahpui quarter, and killing all birds, and not touching the bosses, run = 20 mins nets anywhere from 100-250+ feathers
jaya bluffs - Normal mode, for a very easy run netting around 100 feathers in 15-20 mins or Hard mode with your build of choice / sliver perma / 600 / 55 / terra tank / vwk warrior / barrage ranger / anything really / runs = 25-30 mins and nets around 100-250+ feathers
and outside bergen springs, same as jaya nm is accomplished very easily, hm a bit harder but still very easy with a good build although i think it nets less feathers, as there's less birds.
basically you can farm them anywhere that there is birds, tengu, avicara, etc